The openssl extension is required for SSL/TLS protection but is not available. If you can not enable the openssl ex tension, you can disable this error, at your own risk, by setting the ‘disable-tls’ option to true.

You need to access php.ini and miscomment the extension=openssl line; If you don’t find the file, it should be like php.ini-development then switch to php.ini; You can also run the php –ini command to check for errors in the file;

Todos os CMS’s em PHP

Categoria CMS Blog/Portal Joomla! WordPress Drupal CMS Made Simple MODX ProcessWire TYPO3 Mahara e-Commerce/Loja Magento CubeCart OpenCart AbanteCart Learning/Educacional Moodle Forum phpBB MyBB Wikis MediaWiki DokuWiki Tiki ERP/CRM SuiteCRM EspoCRM OrangeHRM Zurmo Ad Management/Anúncio Osclass Ticket/Suporte GLPI OsTicket Outros Mautic ownCloud TestLink WordPress WordPress é um sistema livre e aberto de gestão de conteúdo para […]

Monitoramento App: Ativação de dispositivo

Alcohol Device Para ativar um dispsoitivo de Alcohol em uma pessoa é necessário seguir as configuraçãoes citadas abaixo. “Querys” deve ser considerado apenas se for ativação direto na base de dados. ####################################### Home Station Device Para ativar um Home Station é necessário relacioná-lo ao site e o site a pessoa, conforme a imagem abaixo: Lembrando […]

The Power of Habit

The book “The Power of Habito” by Charles Duhigg is a self-help that aims to explain the concept of habit, because they exist, how they work…, so that in the end the reader can change habits that he considers negative/harmful in his life. In the course of the book Duhigg presents interesting ideas about psychology […]

Yii/PostgreSQL: Erro de apóstrofo

yii framework

Recentemente me deparei com um problema de segurança no framework Yii. Quando ao pesquisar por um registro como na grid (zii.widgets.grid.CGridView). “SELECT * FROM tb_pessoa WHERE nome like ‘%Joana d’Arc%'”; A solução foi fazer um bindParam do PDO para tratamento de valores antes de inserir na base de dados: $sql = “SELECT * FROM tb_pessoa […]

Yii Model

yii framework

Yii Model Delete <?php $model=User::model()->findByPk($id); if($model){ $model->delete(); } # OR $model=User::model()->deleteAll(); # OR $model=User::model()->deleteAll(array(“condition”=>”userid=’$id'”)); # OR $mode=User::model()->deleteAll(“status=’A'”); ?> Yii Model Update <?php $model=User::model()->updateByPk( $ID, array(“status”=>’DECLINED’) ); # OR $model=User::model()->updateAll(array( ‘first_name’=>”$firstname”, ’email’=>”$email” ), “UserID=$id and status IS NULL ” ); # OR $model=User::model()->updateAll( array(‘status’ => 1), ‘UserID =’.$userid ); ?>

Unsupported extensions disabled: how to re-enable blocked extension in Chrome

The first error occurred because my extension did search in an HTTP (unsafe) domain, so I changed it to HTTPS to resolve. 2.1 – I was using an addEventListener with anonymous function, to fix I created a function to be passed in addEventListener; 2.2 – I gave names of words reserved to the functions, to […]

Chrome Web Store: Removal notification

Dear Developer, We routinely review items in the Chrome Web Store for compliance with our Program policies to ensure a safe and trusted experience for our users. Your item “myAPP,” with ID: XXXXXXXXXXXX, is being taken down as it currently does not work or provide any functionality upon installation. Items on the Chrome Web Store […]

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Data 22/01/2025

January 2025