Day: August 1, 2019
Yii Error: CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver
Error: CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver C:\xampp72\htdocs\DEV\project\protected\models\SystemConfiguration.php(50) Solution: In php.ini, enable the configurations according to the base used: extension=mbstringextension=exif ; Must be after mbstring as it depends on itextension=mysqli;extension=oci8_12c ; Use with Oracle Database 12c Instant Client;extension=odbc;extension=openssl;extension=pdo_firebirdextension=pdo_mysql;extension=pdo_oci;extension=pdo_odbcextension=pdo_pgsqlextension=pdo_sqliteextension=pgsql;extension=shmop
Yii Error: permission denied for relation my_table
ERROR: permission denied for relation site_adzone This error occurs because you need to give the database user permission. Solution, execute the query: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON TABLE userdb.table_xpto TO userdb;
Moeda | Tipo | Valor |
Dollar | Compra | R$ 5,97 |
Dollar | Venda | R$ 5,97 |
Data | 22/01/2025 |
Yii Error: include(Controller.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
1 de August de 2019
Errors, Yii
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This error occurred because the references to the classes were not equal to the file name, but the application was always installed on Windows Server, which is not “case sensitive “, so it worked. The error appeared from the moment we put it on AWS with a Linux server, which is case sensitive. But to […]